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How to pay for a project in rubles
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How to pay for a project in rubles

Project payments in rubles (RUB)

Note: to pay in rubles you need to select the appropriate legal status in "Profile". Only Sole Proprietors and Legal Entities can pay in rubles. To find out how to change your legal status, click here. 
Job and project payments in rubles are made in the "Messages" section.

To pay for the work you need to select the desired performer and open "Contract details". When you click "Generate Invoice" your invoice will be generated. After that you can pay the invoice. You can also pay the invoice through the "Messages" section. Open "Contact details" and click "Pay invoice". You can pay the invoice in any way convenient for you. 

After the invoice payment is made, a transfer check will begin and if this operation is successful you will receive a notification that the contract has been successfully paid and you can get to work.

Receiving accounting documents

You can receive closing documents as soon as the performer finishes his work. After completing the job, you need to go to "Messages", open the "Closing Documents" section, where you will be able to download:

  1. Platform Service Acceptance Act,
  2. Statement of Work Completion by Self-Employed,
  3. Invoice,
  4. Agreement 

After the Freelancer attached the check in his personal account, you can also download it and attach it to other reporting documents.